Seidler Equity Partners
For Executives

True partnership. Shared vision. Long-term success.

Seidler Equity Partners supports lasting value creation.

How Are We Different from Other Financing Sources?

We partner with the best businesses and management teams in an industry and provide the environment for them to thrive. Our creativity in approaching a transaction and experience as a financial partner allow for a working relationship that fosters success. The following characteristics represent what you can expect from us:

Flexible Transactions

We believe that a successful partnership begins with the foundation of an intelligent structure that meets the goals and objectives of both parties. We have the flexibility to invest in both minority growth capital and majority transactions and possess a long history of partnering with dynamic businesses in a wide range of circumstances, providing business owners a transaction solution that meets their needs.

Partnership for Growth

Our investment strategy focuses on partnership for long-term growth, not short-term leveraged returns. As a capital partner we provide support for sustained growth and maximized profits and seek management teams that believe in their long-term growth prospects. We understand the reality of economic cycles and believe that by providing conservative capital structures and aligning with an industry’s most talented operators, there will be opportunities for value creation during both strong and soft market conditions.

Conservative Capital Structure

We believe that debt is a component of a company’s strategic plan, not a financial tool to engineer a higher return on investment. We believe that the best long-term transaction structure is the one that gives management the greatest ability to capitalize on potential.

Strategic Support

Seidler Equity Partners is committed to its role as a board-level resource offering guidance on company risks and opportunities. We partner with the top management teams in a given industry and put our trust in them to maximize the company’s potential on a day-to-day basis.

Financial Opportunity

A partnership with SEP means the company’s owners and management can take a financial dividend for economic security and diversity, but it also leaves them with an equity position to enjoy the benefits of the future success of the company.

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