Seidler Equity Partners
For Intermediaries

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Seidler Equity Partners?

Seidler Equity Partners (or SEP) is a Los Angeles–based investment firm that provides capital to privately-held companies. Founded in 1992, SEP has completed platform investments in a variety of industries and provided capital to support numerous follow-on acquisitions.

What are SEP’s investment criteria?

SEP seeks to partner with exceptional, hands-on management teams that run industry-leading companies with superior growth prospects. Companies within SEP’s investment parameters generally have revenue of $25 million or more and EBITDA of $5 to $50 million or more. However, SEP is also interested in developing relationships with superior companies that are on a steady path towards this level of financial performance.

What industries does SEP target for investments?

SEP does not limit its investments to specific industries or niches. SEP evaluates all businesses on their own merits and has investments across a wide range of industries, including manufacturers, service providers and distributors.

How does SEP identify investment opportunities?

SEP sources transactions through an extensive network of business intermediaries and other industry professionals. However, we do not participate in auction transactions. We are constantly seeking new intermediary relationships and welcome referrals. If you are interested in discussing referral opportunities, please contact us directly at the contact information below.

What types of transactions can SEP accomplish for business owners?

SEP has the flexibility to structure transactions in ways that many capital sources cannot. SEP is equally comfortable investing in either a minority or majority ownership position and provides capital to help business owners and executives accomplish one or more of the following goals: funding a company’s growth plans, transferring ownership of family businesses to the next generation, supporting management buyouts, providing estate planning diversification and buying out existing partners.

How many investments does SEP typically complete each year?

SEP is selective in evaluating investment opportunities, but is committed to acting quickly and decisively on all referrals. In any given year, SEP may close as many as five transactions or as few as none.

How does SEP compensate its business intermediaries?

SEP’s success is largely derived from the strong relationships it has developed with its network of dedicated business intermediaries. SEP compensates its intermediaries consistent with industry practices and is also willing to develop unique programs that meet the specific needs of each of our intermediary partners.

What types of companies has SEP invested in?

Complete descriptions of our current and previous portfolio companies are available in the Portfolio section of this website.

How do I contact SEP?

We look forward to speaking with you about referral opportunities and welcome your calls and email. Please feel free to contact the SEP team at the contact information below:

Seidler Equity Partners
4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 1200
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Tel: 213.683.4622
Fax: 213.624.0691


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