Seidler Equity Partners
For Executives

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Seidler Equity Partners?

Seidler Equity Partners (SEP) is an investment firm that provides long-term equity capital to family businesses and privately-held companies in partnership with business owners and executives. Founded in 1992, SEP has completed platform investments in a variety of industries and furnished capital to support these companies in accomplishing dozens of follow-on acquisitions.

Why should I consider adding SEP as a financial partner for my company?

Many companies need outside capital to achieve their strategic goals. But the best companies look for more than just a source of capital – they seek a trusted financial partner. SEP was established to align its network of financial and other strategic resources side by side with owners and management teams to create long-term company value appreciation.

What are SEP’s investment criteria for new companies?

SEP seeks to partner with exceptional, hands-on management teams that run industry-leading companies with superior growth prospects. Companies within SEP’s investment parameters generally have revenue of $25 million or more and EBITDA (or net profits) of $5 million or more. However, SEP is also interested in developing relationships with superior companies that are on a path towards this level of financial performance and that are preparing for their future capital needs.

What industries does SEP look to invest in?

SEP does not limit its investments to specific industries or niches. Although SEP does not invest in start-up companies, we evaluate all businesses on their own merits and have made investments across a wide range of industries, including manufacturers, service providers and distributors.

Will SEP be able to accomplish my particular transaction objectives?

SEP has the flexibility to structure transactions in ways that many capital sources cannot. SEP is equally comfortable investing in either a minority or majority ownership position and provides capital to help business owners and executives accomplish one or more of the following goals: funding a company’s long-term growth plans, transferring ownership of family businesses to the next generation, supporting management buyouts, providing estate planning diversification and buying out existing partners.

Will I lose operational control of my company after an SEP investment?

No. SEP works closely with company management as a board-level advisor to address high-level strategic matters and maximize a company’s long-term value. However, unlike many other private equity firms, SEP does not get involved in day-to-day management decisions unless called upon for assistance.

What types of capital can SEP provide my company?

SEP provides capital in the form of equity, preferred equity, debt and other types of securities to match the transaction objectives and capital structure needs of a company and its owners and executives.

What value can SEP bring to my company other than capital?

In most cases, great companies need more than just a source of capital – they need a trusted financial partner. SEP is an active board-level partner that assists companies in evaluating important strategic decisions and implementing best practices. In addition, SEP’s network of lenders, referral sources and professional service providers serve as valuable resources for executives determined to build the best businesses in their industry.

Is SEP looking to make a quick profit by “flipping” its investment in my company?

SEP seeks opportunities to invest alongside business owners and executives to forge a long-term partnership and create lasting appreciation in company value. Our unique investment philosophy embraces a flexibility to hold investments for longer than many alternative capital sources. In fact, SEP maintains an ownership interest in several of the companies it first invested in over a decade ago.

Is SEP looking to put maximum debt on my company to create a financial return?

SEP seeks companies with conservative capital structures that are not encumbered by excessive debt obligations. SEP believes that the optimal use of cash for most growing companies is to fund expansion rather than service debt.

What information will I need to provide SEP about my company?

SEP is committed to working with company owners and executives to quickly determine an optimal transaction structure. This commitment entails an analysis by SEP of a company’s financial history and outlook, an examination of typical legal and operational issues, and an assessment of industry conditions and growth prospects. This review will be conducted quickly and efficiently and only through designated contacts at the company.

Will SEP protect my company’s confidential information?

Great companies often have proprietary information and strategic advantages that lead to superior competitive performance. While a traditional investment banking process often leads to broad dissemination of a company’s most sensitive information, SEP is committed to maintaining confidentiality throughout all phases of a potential transaction and protecting a businesses investment in its information, employees, customers and suppliers.

What types of companies has SEP invested in?

Complete descriptions of our current and previous portfolio companies are available in the Portfolio section of this website.

How do I contact SEP?

We look forward to speaking with you about your company and welcome your calls and email. Please feel free to contact the SEP team at the contact information below:

Seidler Equity Partners
4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 1200
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Tel: 213.683.4622
Fax: 213.624.0691


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