Seidler Equity Partners
Terms & Conditions
Seidler Equity Partners

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the website of Seidler Equity Partners L.P., Seidler Equity Partners II, L.P., Seidler Equity Partners III, L.P., Seidler Kutsenda Management Company LLC, and their respective affiliates (collectively, “Seidler Equity Partners,” “we” or “us”).  Your use of this website makes these Terms and Conditions a binding agreement between you and us.  If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you should not use this website.

We reserve the right to revise these Terms and Conditions without notice.  Any such revision will be effective when posted on this website.  Your continued use of this website after any such posting will signify your binding agreement with the revised Terms and Conditions.

No Offer of Securities

This website provides information about us and various companies in which we have invested.  It is not intended for prospective investors in existing or future investment funds we sponsor.  Consequently, this website does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities or other financial instruments, or an offer to provide financial, investment or other advice.  In addition, the information on this website is not intended to be distributed to, or used by, any person in a jurisdiction or under circumstances where such distribution or use would subject us to registration, qualification or similar requirements or otherwise violate local laws.

Performance Information

This website may contain information about the status and performance of various companies and our investments in them.  This information is subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual status or performance of an investment or company to differ materially from that described on this website.  We caution users of this website not to place undue reliance on this information.

Intellectual Property

All text, graphics, multimedia content or other material available from the entry point URL of this website and pages within that domain, as well as all related code, images, text, graphics, photos, logos, icons, layouts, arrangements, displays, illustrations, audio and video clips, HTML, other mark-up languages, and all scripts and software within this website (collectively, the “Material(s)”) are our property or the property of our licensors and are protected by copyright and other proprietary intellectual property rights.  In order to facilitate your consideration of a potential business relationship or transaction with us, you can download one copy of the Materials on any single computer, provided that you keep intact any copyright and other proprietary notices on the Materials and do not modify the Materials in any way.  Otherwise, Materials from this website must not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, modified, transferred, sold, displayed, used to create derivative materials, or in any way exploited or used for any other purpose, whether or not commercial in nature.  Your modification of the Materials, or use of the Materials for any other purpose or in any medium, will violate not only these Terms and Conditions but also applicable copyright and/or other proprietary rights.


The names “Seidler Equity Partners,” and “SEP,” and the associated logos, as well as the names and logos of our affiliated entities, are our service marks and trademarks (the “SEP Marks”).  All other trademarks, service marks and logos used on this website, with or without attribution, belong to their respective owners.

Linking to Other Sites and Transactions on Other Sites

This website contains links to other sites (“Linked Sites”), including those sponsored by certain companies in which we have invested.  We provide these links for convenience only.  You acknowledge that we have no responsibility or liability of any kind with respect to the content of the Linked Sites, any transactions you conduct with the sponsors of those sites, or any disputes you may have with those sponsors.  These Terms and Conditions apply only to this website, and not to the Linked Sites, which have their own terms and conditions of use.


You agree that you will not use any SEP Marks or our URL, server or other materials in connection with, or to transmit, any unsolicited communications or “spam,” as that term is generally understood among Internet users.

No Warranties

We do not make, and disclaim to the full extent permitted by applicable law, any express or implied warranties or representations of any kind, and we do not assume any liability of any kind, with respect to the content, accuracy, performance or integrity of this website, or the results of the use of the services discussed on this website.  Users of this website assume total responsibility and risk for their use of this website and any site-related services. 

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances will we or any person or entity associated with us, be responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages arising out of or relating in any way to this website, including: the services described on this website; your use of (or inability to use) this website; any errors, defects or omissions in this website; any delays or interruptions in operation; or any virus, line failure or other computer malfunction associated with this website. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with this website and/or site-related services is to stop using this website and/or those services.


You agree to indemnify and hold us and our officers, directors, agents, partners, members, sponsors and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of content you submit, post to or transmit to this website, your use of this website, your connection to this website, your violation of these Terms and Conditions, or your violation of any rights of another party.

Modification or Termination of this Website

We reserve the right to withdraw, suspend or terminate at any time and without notice any or all content, services, functionality and features of this website.

Limited Distribution and Territorial Considerations

We control and operate this website from our offices in California.  We make no representation that the content of this website, or any site-related services, are appropriate or available for other locations.  Those who choose to access this website from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.  By making this website available, we are not availing ourselves of the privilege of doing business in any state other than California.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Internal California law will govern the interpretation and enforcement of these Terms and Conditions.  You agree (i) that any lawsuit or other legal action to interpret or enforce these Terms and Conditions, or in connection with any matters related to this website, must be brought only in the state or federal courts located in Los Angeles County, California, and (ii) to submit to the jurisdiction of those courts in connection with any legal action relating in any way to this website or these Terms and Conditions.

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