Seidler Equity Partners
About Us

Entrust your financing needs to our experienced team.

Seidler Equity Partners has a flexible and confidential process.

What You Should Expect from a Capital Transaction

Seeking a financial partner for your business doesn’t have to be a worrisome, time-consuming endeavor. We are committed to an investment process characterized by open two-way communication and clear expectations. Our partnership philosophy is based on structuring mutually beneficial transactions utilizing the following key principles:

Flexible Timing

We frequently develop relationships with business owners and executives before they are ready to bring in outside capital, sometimes years in advance of a financing transaction. While our approach to deal making is patient, we strive to act quickly and decisively when the time is right for a company to raise capital – whether through a minority investment or control equity stake.

Maximize Shareholder Value

We believe that bringing in the right long-term financial partner should be the beginning – not the end – of the value creation process for a company’s shareholders. We work in unison with business owners to provide the right balance of minority growth capital and initial estate planning liquidity, our primary goal being to sustain the company’s long-term appreciation in value so that shareholders can take “two bites at the apple.”


Great companies have a “secret sauce” that makes them special and provides them competitive advantages. Traditional investment banking processes can undermine a company’s proprietary information protection and dilute its competitive advantages. We are committed to working efficiently and discreetly to consummate investments in a confidential manner, safeguarding the company’s commitments to its employees, customers and suppliers and preserving its advantages over competitors.

Tax-Efficient Transactions

We focus on structuring transactions to optimize after-tax proceeds available to a company and its owners. In most cases, we can implement highly efficient tax structures to achieve a company’s various financing objectives.

Respect for Company Culture

The best entrepreneurs instill a distinctive culture within their companies. As board-level partners, we value the importance of preserving and enhancing internal company cultures while strengthening the company’s identity, position and reputation within its community and industry.

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