Seidler Equity Partners


Raegan Moya-Jones

Raegan Moya-Jones

Co-Founder and CEO, Aden & Anais, Inc.

I was introduced to the Seidler team in early 2010. This was just four years after I co-founded aden + anais, and the business was in rapid growth mode. We knew in our gut that with access to additional capital and resources from a firm that has “been there before” with growth companies, the sky was the limit for aden + anais.

Since 2010, we have grown into a global business with distribution in more than 60 countries and direct operations in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Most importantly, throughout this expansion, we have been able to maintain our entrepreneurial culture, which is a big part of what I believe makes aden + anais "special".

There is no question that our partnership with Seidler, their resources and their desire to support our management team, has been a big factor in our success. The fact that Seidler didn’t encumber me with the usual handcuffs that sometimes come from well-meaning financial partners was quite simply a CEO’s dream.

Bob Yabroff

Bob Yabroff

President, Gary Platt Manufacturing, LLC

I was referred to Seidler by a lifelong friend. At the time, I was considering various options in order to fund an estate planning liquidity event and to buy out one of my partners. I had talked to some investment bankers and they were trying to convince me to sell my company, never mentioning a minority equity partner as an option. But I wasn’t sure if selling my business was my best alternative.

When I met with Seidler, they proposed a transaction that would enable me to meet my short-term financial goals and also keep a significant ownership stake in my company. I knew there was great growth ahead for Gary Platt and felt that it was too early to sell out entirely. The transaction structure helped me achieve all my objectives, provided capital for my business, and the Seidler team has been a great long-term financial partner to me and my company from day one.

Toby Buck

Toby Buck

Chairman and CEO , Paragon Medical, Inc.

When I first met with Seidler in the late 1990’s, I was focused on growing my company and building the necessary infrastructure and product offerings to compete at the highest levels of our industry. Seidler was one of the few groups that I talked to that understood my situation and believed in my vision for the company.

Within a few years, we had achieved our plan to create a secure foundation from which to grow the business into an industry leader, but I needed capital for my business to carry out planned internal growth as well as acquisitions. Seidler had been with us each step along the way and acted quickly when the time was right for us. Since then, Paragon has closed five important acquisitions. Seidler was instrumental not only by providing the necessary capital to support these deals, but their team has also brought the experience and manpower needed to be value added contributors to many facets of our business.

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